“The photographer is a joyous sensualist, for the simple reason that the eye traffics in feelings, not in thoughts." ~ Walker Evans
Phoebe the (Ph)eline
I'm house-sitting for my professor (while she's gallivanting the city of Paris) instead of sleeping in my new apartment. But hey, sleeping here has its perks too!
The prof.'s cat's name is Phoebe. She's a house-cat (hates being outside). She dances around you for food when it is 7:30pm on the dot. When she's bored, she comes into the room, looks at you with that "pet me" look. You pet her and after 2 minutes, she gets bored and walks away. During the lonely afternoons, she demands that somebody put on classical music so that she can lay in the room for hours on end listening to the likes of Mozart. What a diva!
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