In an attempt to procrastinate from studying this 200 page book containing useless insurance information that has no relevance to my job, I stopped into the school bookstore to buy two things:
1.) Highlighters
2.) A Fairfield University Alumni decal and/or license plate frame.
Once I set foot in the store, one of the helpful workers asked if I needed help with anything. I politely asked for her to direct me towards the vehicle license plate frames. Without hesitation, she said, "we currently don't have any alumni license plate frames in stock."
My face turned a ghostly white as I realized I couldn't spend another minute trying to recapture my past. I have no idea as to how the worker knew I was an alum as summer courses were in session (thus, my young complexion could have allowed me to pass as an active student).
I'm now sitting in the nearby Borders Cafe, too shocked from my experience to even set foot in the school library. It's too bad because the library offers free wi-fi access (versus Border's $10/day pass). I just couldn't bear myself to sit in the same spot where many late-nighters were pulled.
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